Anybody who booed the guy with autism should be beaten to death.
The General Wrestling Thread
This is a sticky topic.
What a waste of talent Jannetty turned out to be. Guy couldn't talk and didn't have outstanding charisma or anything, but holy shit could he go. Good athlete. Should have been a mid card staple for a decade, raking in DVD & toy residuals until he croaked.Comment
He's going to be headlining Walmart Supershows with Ricky Morton until he dies.Comment
Apparently, pyro malfunctioned a little bit ago in the arena and a small fire broke out.
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Apparently, pyro malfunctioned a little bit ago in the arena and a small fire broke out.
<object id="tout_embed_enlfgc" width="350" height="263" data="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"><param name="movie" value="" /><param name="allowfullscreen" value="true" /><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always" /><param name="flashvars" value="config={'pltype':'tout','id':'enlfgc','c':' 1','autoplay':0}" /></object>
Twitch Channel
Season I: 10-6 (NFC North Champions)
Season II: 9-7 (NFC North Champions)
Season III: 13-3 (NFC Champions)
Season IV: 11-5 (NFC North Champions)
Season V: 2-1
Damien Sandow needs to be pushed to the upper mid card at the very least. Wasting his talent in DX beatdowns and against Broadus Clay is just not cutting it. Honestly he has the same kind of heat I think Punk had when he did his whole straight edge elitist gimmick. You just hate the guy for being so arrogant and snobbyComment
Podcast listeners know that we killed the WWE for making Sandow look like a geek for DX when they have a lockerroom full of jobbers that could have been "that guy".
(Shameless plug, now go listen and tweet it to your friends)Comment