Here is something interesting.
"The Forbes 100" is a yearly listing of the world's most powerful celebrities. The rankings are based on income, tv/radio visability, press visability, web visability, and social visability (popularity - how well known you are).
Britney Spears, who Pitty and some others who are completely out of touch with reality seem to think is yesterdays news, is ranked
#6 in the world, behind only Oprah, Beyonce, Lady Gaga, James Cameron, and Tiger Woods. And that's up from ranking #13 last year.
Yes, clearly Spears is clinging to her celebrity and hasnt been relevent for a decade...please. She just completed the 5th highest grossing tour in the world.
Spears was "only" 64th in income, but ranked 15th in tv/radio, 24th in press, 3rd in web, and
2nd in social visability. That last number means she's really, really famous.
Britney Spears is a fucking MEGA STAR, it's insulting to Spears to suggest that Kanye West is in the same universe as her in terms of popularity and visability.
If you are wondering where Kanye came in on the list, the answer is he didn't rank at all. Surprised? I'm not.