I'm so frustrated, Gattis has earned the right to start(sheesh!) on opening day, yes he can handle veteran pitching, yes, he can call a game, I'd rather have him facing Hamels than Laird. laird needs more time to heel up. I believe Hamels would have his way easy w/ Laird(.100 avg.) So far Gattis hasn't even embarrased the team w/ his play, nor his bat, he's been stellar, let the caution about him go, he's hungry, he's the real deal, seems like some folks say "if " too much. Laird isn't half of a David Ross(man, what would it be if he were still here), sure Laird is a veteran, but Gattis has been leaps & bounds. His defensive ability is more than adequate. Let laird help him in between innings, that would be decent veteran influence for em'. Keep busting it Great White Bear!