Let's Go All The Way...
I haven't gotten close quarters (too close to ncaa release). how is it? what the knock on it?
It's decent for smaller, interior-type matches (aside from Scrap Metal, that map is shit) and if you're into weapon unlocks, you can't go wrong with the selection they give you.
There's definite comparisons to COD because it feels quicker (there's no vehicles, things get claustrophobic at times, there's a high percentage that you're gonna get jumped if you don't roll in a group to get kills) and the Gun Master/Conquest Domination modes crib a little as well.
Gun Master is basically Gun Game from Black Ops with the added benefit of grinding parts for the guns you progress through to win the round.
Conquest Domination is just a smaller version of Conquest minus vehicles and is only for the CQ maps from what I've seen.
If there was a knock, it'd be that they've furthered away from the BF formula to produce the more infantry-based Close Quarters maps; while your reaction times might speed up from playing, it dismisses teamwork at times and there's less of a need to coordinate what you're doing to win when you can go solo and camp a hallway for days on end.
I got it because I bought Premium for the extra maps, guns and vehicles for later expansions (that and most of the [FOOT] Clan has it too now) but it's not an absolute necessity if you prefer just BF-style wide maps and tactics.