Man, the KENTA/Morishima 1/27/13 title switch was a huge letdown. Not a very good match at all. Don't go out of your way to watch unless you want to see history.
They blew a key transition spot on the outside which was significant enough to take you out of things for a minute. They did way too many finishers. Two Go 2 Sleeps for two counts that got no heat. Then Morishima hits two backdrop drivers, and instead of a cover, goes for a third. While picking up the dead KENTA, KENTA miraculously wasnt dead anymore and locked in the Game Over (the finisher he uses on fat guys he cant lift, bascially the overused Labell/No Lock, STFU hold). Morishima tapped quickly to almost no pop. Absurd finish.
I get what they were trying to do, and technically the match structure was fine, but I didn't like the sheer amount of finishers they used (two Go 2 Sleeps, one failed Go 2 Sleep, two Game Overs, and two backdrop drivers). It would take three or four Tanahashi main events, if not more, to use that many finishers. And KENTA getting hit with two backdrop drivers and selling it like he was dead, only to reverse the third and crank in a sub, was goofy.
**3/4. *** if you want to be generous. Crowd was not into it either, which didn't help.