I like that you have Earl Campbell up there. He was a BEAST. I never seen anyone with the combo of his power and speed.
I agree with Jim Brown at the top, but I have both he and Walter Payton sharing the top.
I don't know how T. Davis got in this poll.
Emmit Smith doesn't belong in the convo. Glad you didn't have him listed. He was a great back, but not anywhere near GOAT.
1. Jim Brown, Walter Payton
Gayle Sayers, Barry Sanders, OJ Simpson
Earl Campbell
Somewhere after here would be E. Smith.
I can't vote in the Poll cause I have two at the top. Walter Payton just did EVERYTHING extremely well. Ran with power, ran with finesse, blocked, picked up blitzes, good receiver, and could throw the ball (better than Tim Tebow - just for you Glenn). There was nothing at RB that Payton didn't excel at. Name one RB talent that Payton was average at. Just one.