It is funny, the GenPop doesn't fully understand why, for example, baseball players take performance enhancers not to become bigger, stronger, faster...that is a by product of consumption, but athletes take the good stuff to play Game 137, just like Game 1.
For a hundred years of baseball history, baseball players just took amphetamines...then in the 80's those were shunned upon by baseball...
In the next decade, they turned to a more ridiculous cocktail to enhance is what it is...
Players have always used whatever was available to them. I understand in some peoples minds steroids are worse than greenies, but greenies were flying around at that time and easy to get. So they did it. Before that guys dirtied up the ball, used razor blades, corked their bats, etc. Just different levels of cheating. It depends how much relativity you want to put into it.
With that said, tests done show HGH doesn't have that much of an impact on athletics so I'm not going to go crazy about this particular story.