2008. Rated PG-13, 120 minutes.
Director: Bryan Singer.
Starring Tom Cruise, Kenneth Branagh, Bill Nighy, Tom Wilkinson.
Plot: Col. Claus von Stauffenberg (Cruise) and some other higher ups in the Nazi party spearhead a plot to assassinate Adolf Hitler. Based on a true story.
The Good: It’s a thriller that has action scenes but doesn’t rely on them. In fact, it gets more mileage out of utilizing the most common military procedure: hurry up and wait. Such movies, especially ones that include a number of scenes based on the discussion of strategy can easily become bogged down by long stretches of boring conversations. This one never does. It actually uses those scenes to create tension and anxiety among the conspirators and in turn, the audience. It helps that the movie is tightly paced. Director Bryan Singer did a wonderful job in that department. Finally, the supporting cast is great. In particular, Bill Nighy and Tom Wilkinson deliver remarkable performances.
The Bad: Two giant personas detract from the film, Tom Cruise and Adolf Hitler. In Cruise’s case, his performance is neither good nor bad but just the same old stuff from him where he smirks a lot and points at the floor for emphasis when he’s yelling. That’s fine for the
Mission: Impossible series where they’re basically selling you Tom Cruise: action star. Here, it feels off. He never seems to inhabit the role, so he’s never really believable. It doesn’t help that in no way, shape or form looks the part. So, it doesn’t even feel like Col. Stauffenberg is even in the picture. Instead, it feels like Tom Cruise is pissed at Hitler and wants him dead for murdering millions of scientologists, or something. This is another problem, and where Hitler’s persona comes into play. Why exactly do they want him dead? Yes, I know but what if by some chance, I didn’t? The movie assumes a working knowledge of the atrocities he’s responsible for. However, in the off chance someone goes in not fully aware they’d have nothing here to grab onto to make them understand how evil a man this was. The Hitler we see is merely some feeble old man that everyone is either actively protecting or trying to kill with only the vaguest reasons given for either. Hopefully, I’m way off base here but it seems this movie overestimates its audience.
The Ugly: Sometimes Tom Cruise wears his glass eye, sometimes he doesn’t.
Recommendation: This is a solid thriller based on historic events, not an action movie like it has been advertised. However, it’s not out to teach you any history other than the particulars of the operation itself. Therefore, your pre-existing level of appreciation, maybe even fondness for World War II will go a long way in deciding how much you like or dislike this movie.
The Opposite View: Joe Neumaier, New York Daily News
What the Internet Says: 7.4/10 on (7/14/09),
61% on,
MY SCORE: 7/10