Underworld: Rise of the Lycans
2009. Rated R, 92 minutes.
Director: Patrick Tatopoulos
Starring Michael Sheen, Rhona Mitra, Bill Nighy, Steven Mackintosh.
Plot: The origins of the ongoing war between Vampires and Werewolves...Lycans, in
Underworld lingo. Prequel to the earlier movies in the series.
The Good: The movie is tightly paced with the dialogue being used to effectively link action scenes. Those action scenes are relentlessly gory and consistently try to "wow" us. The script is brave enough to forcefully imply the obvious parallels between this story and real life slavery as it existed in this country in centuries passed.
The Bad: One of the major problems with prequels is the audience generally knows way too much going in, making it difficult to build tension. It's especially hard in this case since the original movie told us nearly everything with a flashback scene that took maybe 2 minutes. This movie simply tries to stretch that flashback scene to a full-length feature and suffers from over-extending itself. What viewers are left to do is hope the action scenes make up for the lack of mystery. They try but the filmmakers intentions in that department exceed their budget. Granted, most of the movie takes place at night but its so poorly lit, its almost like watching a black screen for 90 minutes. What you can see, namely hundreds of cgi werewolves...lycans...darting through the woods and blood spurting everywhere, looks cheap. Making matters worse, our lead warrior/female vampire is barely more interesting than a bump on a log. Where Kate Beckinsale brought a sexy iciness to essentially the same role (but not the same character), Rhona Mitra as Viktor's (Nighy) daughter Sonja has absolutely zero presence.
The Ugly: That poor guy, make that about a dozen poor guys that get impaled on rather large spears.
Recommendation: What may help this movie is a viewer who isn't familiar with the franchise. For those of us that are, it's the story you already know which renders the whole thing a rather boring affair.
The Opposite View: Joe Leydon, Variety
What the Internet Says: 6.6/10 on imdb.com (8/5/09),
32% on rottentomatoes.com,
44/100 on metacritic.com
MY SCORE: 4/10