i dont think you really understand the bassassatude (yup, that is a real word and you can look it up here
www.fuckoffyougrammarnazifucktard.eatmynut.org if you dont believe me) of vsn if you think that will happen. when people act like idiots here, they dont get banned or given an infraction by a mod. instead the community takes it upon themselves to teach the noob how be a vsn'er, and if that fails, we flame them so bad they have an internet meltdown. learning to vsn is not just a funny saying, it is a warning. if you come here and try to be all 'im the man' or a complete tool, you will get pwned, and you will go home and cry. these are proven facts and it is as simple as that.
back on topic:
is the squib kick availible is this years game?