lol, you guys are getting killed in a football discussion by a dude in a dress... ouch.
you failed on the first attempt, got brow beaten and then changed your list to try to save face. fail on all accounts, by fli flopping you now are tagged as weak minded and an idiot, go job... welcome to vsn.
it's that passer rating that wildcunt is so hung up on, you know the one wher romo is so bad ass cuz he has the highest career rating, when he has started 2 full years... log7ic when dealing with cowboys fans is always a losing battle.
ben also plays on a team that is not too stupid to run the ball.
love is not quite a string enough term...
dont forget ben also has 2 wins in the super bowl and 6 playoff wins, 3 on the road. and i think you mean if romo wins in december and january...
you cant see why becasue your a blind homer, the sad fact that you are already building an excuse for them to fail in december by crying about the schedule shows that even though you would suck romo's cock and let it be shown on the new big screen at dallas stadium even you know they will lose. you have to get a grip and learn to listen and for god sakes, take off those blinders...
super bowl ring count..
pittsburgh steelers = 6
everyone else < 6
Why do you think I'm such a homer? We've been posting on the same forums talking football for at least 3 years now, and not once did I ever make a completely blind homer statement about the Dallas Cowboys.
However, I think Tony Romo has more accuracy, and raw talent than your man love Ben Roethlisberger, and all of a sudden I'm some huge homer?
Let's face facts.
Ben Roethlisberger has a better post season record than Tony Romo.
Ben Roethlisberger has 2 Super Bowl Rings, and Romo has none.
Ben Roethlisberger is a first round draft pick, while Romo goes undrafted, and spends 3 years on a practice squad.
Ben Roethlisberger played great his first year as a starter, and rode the wave to SB Glory, while Romo played on a much shittier team, and saved the Cowboys season from de-railing, by leading them to the playoffs, and a playoffs victory, but fumbled a snap.
Ben Roethlisberger has put up numbers that aren't as good as Romo's since Romo has made his debut.
All of the stats have been said a million times, so we already know that statistically Romo is better than Ben. I do't have to bring em up.
0-2 isn't a horrible playoff record.
And I'm just wondering. If Romo is so horrible in the clutch, why is he still so good in the 4th Quarter?
I'm not making these posts to brag about Antonio Romo. But everyone shits on him so badly that it seems like I have to defend him. If people shit on your QB, and you knew he was good you'd be doing the same thing. HELL you are doing the same thing by sticking up for Roethlisberger when I said someone who you think is worse, is better.
Another question Jake. How come you have no problem at all with me putting McNabb ahead of Ben? McNabbn has the same useless amount of rings Romo has, but you just seem to not care, because apparently choking in NFC Championship Games and Super Bowls is fine, but god forbid Romo drops a snap, and loses to the SB Champs. Is it because you just hate Dallas so much that it hurts you to acknowledge anything good they do? Or hurts you that someone put Romo over your precious Ben? Stop being such a fuckin hypocrite saying I'm a homer, when your hatred for a team outweighs all of your opinions.
While I'm at it... DeMarcus Ware >>>> James Harrison.
I have a huge feeling that if we were in 1995 right now you'd be trying to tell me Neil O'Donnell is better than Troy Aikman.