the thing we all have to look at the criteria we want our goat to have. field general, comebacks, pinpoint accuracy, championships, and leadership off the field.
peyton is a great leader on the field, he's had some comebacks in his carreer, he's got great accuracy, he just can't win consistently in the playoffs, but he does so much off the field stuff that most people don't.
just because of the post season, i don't think he's the goat. Stabach (can't spell) or unitas. those guys were absolutely incredible. unitas in the "greatest game ever played" and roger the dodger was the pioneer of the modern quarterback, and both of those guys revolutionized the position.
unitas was the one who really dominated with the pump fake for the first time. he went out and dominated all the time, and in the joe namath super bowl, Unitas didn't play most of that game, and he still almost won.
Stabach was the guy who took the scrambler and the pocket quarterback roles and put them together. just about every quarterback in the nfl uses that combination now, and if you give me one guy who doesn't scramble these days, i will prove you wrong