On that last point about what Alex said, it depends on the severity of the console specific problems. I think it's perfectly fine to not give a game like Skyrim GOTY based solely on the shitty PS3 performance especially when you consider that Bethesda already published two games on PS3 with the same fucking problem.
Now, I don't know what technical problems they had with The Walking Dead outside of the save bug on PC since I skipped anything in the GOTY podcasts that spoiled the games I was planning to play. However, there was a problem in Jurassic Park where the game would hang for a second and suddenly speed up when it was loading the next piece of content, and if that happened during one of the QTEs, you would be screwed because the button prompts would fly by so fast that you couldn't react fast enough. If that problem were still in The Walking Dead, that seems to be a justifiable reason to not want it as your GOTY considering those failed QTEs could result in someone you could have saved getting killed off and drastically alter the choices you wanted to make.