Great network sure - but its a league operated network, it should be great.
I agree the Tebow shit is way over the top and so force fed its sickening.. however, the NFL is the most popular sport in the country, ESPN would be foolish not to run with that.
I don't think anybody can reasonably disagree with that. However, there is no question ESPN pounds the NFL coverage to death. Despite how popular the NFL is, there is no way a preseason game should be the lead story on the same day that Rory McIlroy crushes a major & Team USA wins a gold medal in hoops. You can't convince me that more people care. This isn't Week 1 regular season we are talking about.
You can't convince me that sports fans at large come home from work, plop down on the couch, and need to know immediately what happened at Jets camp today.
That was actually a MAJOR STORY on ESPN the other day. Sal Pal "We are not allowed to report the personnel that was on the field, but the Jets did, in fact, run wild cat today!" Nobody gives a fuck, and if you do, you have mental issues. It's niche news, stuff that I can see being reported on NFL Network or in NY papers or being mentioned in passing. Even NFL Network doesn't bang these drums as hard, and well, it's the NFL Network and it's their product and nobody would even complain if they did. It's absurd.
And honestly, while the NFL is the most popular sports league, I think the idea that it is so much more popular than anything else is sort of blown out of proportion. Yes, the SB does a gigantic number, but that has little to do with the sport (completely different topic). Yes, the payoff do enormous numbers. Yes, regular season games do bigger numbers than any other sport. But this idea that every sports argument these days ends with "Pfffft, it's the N-F-L! How dare you compare (anything) to the NATIONAL FOOTBALL LEAGUE!" is to me a product of the constant pounding into our brains that the NFL somehow matters more than anything else. It's not
that large of a gap. Here's the dirty little secret ESPN doesn't want told - people do care about other things! Even things other than Tiger Woods & Lebron! It's true. But ESPN paid billions for he Monday Night Football package, so you can bet your ass they are going to push the NFL like nothing else matters.
The fact is, ESPN fears NFL Network. The ESPN fascination with the NFL has less to do with this supposed NFL domination of the sports market as people may think. It's also fear of the niche networks stealing market share. ESPN tried the same thing (on a smaller scale) when MLB Network rolled out. But MLB Network coverage kicked their ass, they did studies, determined that they lost baseball fans to the new guys, Baseball Tonight ratings dipped, and they decided to throw in the towel and drastically cut back their own baseball coverage rather than fight back. They are determined to not let this happen with the NFL, so, what you have, is essentially two NFL Networks.