You're a fucking retard for even putting up this argument about sources that discredit Cutler.
Are high school newspapers the main media source you look into when trying to talk down about a player?
Bleacher Report? Are you fucking kidding me?
Even if you're talking about the PERSONAL ATTACK of an article Rick Reilly made, it has already been COMPLETELY REFUTED.
Why are you posting like Steeljake? You're not a dumb guy but you're acting like a fucking moron. lol....bleacher report, gtfo.
Bleacher Report is a glorified version of the Myspace Blog. But hey, let's give it complete journalistic integrity. You claim that we shoot down any source reporting bad about Cutler however I can sign onto Bleacher Report right now and post the article "Jay Cutler is a great man and Tailback U is stupid" and you know what? It would be posted on the internet for everybody to see.
There aren't stipulations as to the amount of fact you put into an article. It's a blog. It's not factual information, it's the opinion of a bunch of dumbass Joe Schlmoe's who just want views on their articles. If they have to put stupid information in their articles to piss people off, so they can get their article circulated, they will do it.
So the second I put up "Jay Cutler is a good man" article for you on Bleacher Report, will you stand down on the basis that Bleacher Report has the information to prove your argument wrong?