People are just pre-disposed to hate the guy no matter what though.
Ok, here is whats known. He hurt the knee late in the 2nd quarter. He finished the first half with it. He got a pain killing injection at half time. The team medical staff didnt want him to play the third but HE wanted to give it a shot. He came out in the third. 2 run plays sets up a 3rd and 5. Hester runs a jerk route and Jay cant plant or move and throws the ball directly at his feet.
The entire staff figured to Collins healthy was better than Jay hurt. Although Caleb would have been better but thats another topic.
What i dont get, is how anybody can judge him based off of 3 second cutaways from FOX. Caleb said Jay helped him out alot. So how he is getting this quitters rep is still beyond me. I dont know how hurt he was, but he has gotten his ass kicked and not complained one bit.