The tradeoff is made clear to these athletes. You play for us, we won't charge you to come here. Whether the athlete values the education or not is irrelevent. If they don't think this tradeoff is fair, well, you know my answer to that. They have a bevy of options.
No they don't.
I mean they do have a ton of options, but not many that are actually viable. If you want to go to the next level college is your best choice. The NFL/NBA basically use it as a minor league.
What % of NFL players got there using one of those other options?
The draw is the atmosphere, the school pride, etc, not the idea you are seeing future NFL players. That's why its an indirect contribution, because yes, while the athletes are the ones playing, the names on the jerseys are largely irrelevent. If we stopped letting people like Dwayne Wade prostitute the process, someone else would be the star, the Wade's don't matter as much as you think, so I believe that argument is flawed.
Bullshit. If this were the case schools wouldn't be running around with 7 figure recruiting budgets trying to pull in top players.