He is right. If his career ended today he shouldnt make it. But he has at least 5 years left if he stays healthy.
Didn't Namath throw like 40 more picks than TDs?
Again, context context context. Next you guys will be blasting Johnny Unitas for his low QB rating.
Namath was a gunslinger who routinely led the league or was among the league leaders in yards, yards per attempt, and yards per completions, etc. Eli Manning never leads the league in anything, and in fact, never finishes top 3.
In 1972, Namath threw for 2816 yards and 19 TD's. This past year, Eli threw for nearly 5000 and 29 TD's. Namath's totals led the league, Eli's totals were barely good for top 5. Namath's numbers are far more impressive.
Namath played in an era where it was not uncommon to throw more INT's than TD's. Yes, Namath had high INT totals, even for his time. But he balanced that with ridiculous yardage and TD totals (when he was healthy).
Let's look at the adjusted numbers (normalized for the playing conditions of the era). 100 is average, higher is better.
-Namath's QB Rating of 65.5 adjusts to 102 for his career (meaning he was 2% better than the average QB).
-Eli's career 82.2 rating adjusts to 99, meaning he is 1%
worse than the average QB for his career. Context.
In fact, Namath beats Eli pretty much across the board (with the exception of TD%) when you use adjusted stats, and his peak numbers blow Eli away:
Namath career/career high - Eli career/career high
Y/A: 109/136 - 101/124
NY/A: 115/143 - 105/125
COM%: 102/115 - 93/107
TD%: 100/115 - 107/117
INT%: 97/117 - 96/113
Rating: 102/110 - 99/112
When you look at the year by year (links below), Eli was routinely a below average QB statistically when compared to his era, until the last three years. Namath was consistently better (and most years, MUCH better) than his peers most year. And Eli's best years do not touch Namath's best. Not even close.
(scroll down to 'Advanced Passing' to see the numbers i'm talking about)
This is why fans with any sense of history are not all that impressed with the gaudy passing totals and TD/INT ratios being put up in today's environment.