2011 Poster Of The Year
LOL and it's the "stat geeks" who have removed the subtleties and nuance from sports. Right.
The "stat geeks" the ones who are ignoring context, not the mouth breathers who parrot studio banter as if its canon. Right.
And the irony here, is I didn't bring stats into this. It was the Eli fan club that dragged his numbers into it.
I'm squarely on the Eli HOF fence (but leaning no at this point), despite the fact his stats are not HOF worthy (and make no mistake, he does not have HOF numbers). If he's getting in, it's because of peripherals, not numbers, and i'm ok with that. A stat geek would never put him in, because he doesn't cut it on a statistical standard.
His performance last night shouldn't tilt the scale. Unfortunately, for some, it will.