Funny how people constantly call him a racist, but nobody bothers to point out that his longest standing employee and closest personal friend is black, Bo Snerdly.
He nothing but a racist piece of **** to me. I doubt the NFL will let him buy the team. Anyone remember him on ESPN?
#1 and #2 are made up.
#3 is a joke about Jesse Jackson, not black people
#4 is anti-communist, not anti-black, as well as a strongly libertarian stance
#5 is a comment on the thug mentality that pervades professional sports, though I'd apply the quote more to the NBA.
#6 is a comment toward the NAACP, hardly a bipartisan organization. Are they immune to criticism because they're made up of black people? The NAACP is a racist organization and has done more to HURT black people than to help them.
#7 I personally heard, IN CONTEXT, at the time it was said. The point was that Republicans should not kiss up to the "black vote" because it's counter productive.
#8 Indefensible statement, but 1/8 so far hardly proves racism. I've heard this used by a wide variety of people, and usually used to denote a certain segment of black people... just as blacks and whites both call certain whites "White Trash" or "Redneck"... it's not racist, it's a poke at a certain segment.
#9 Was not the LEAST BIT RACIST! You interpret it that way because you want to verify your own view, but read it, impassionately... it's not racist, it's an accusation toward the media of racism.
#10 Oh, of course, anybody who opposes Obama is racist. Fuck you, fuck Obama, and fuck your racism. Halfrican American = why doesn't anybody point out that the dude IS half white? I've seen enough half-white people in my old HS called "Half breed" and other derogatory shit by black people, but Obama gets a pass? Be consistent. Obama IS the affirmative action candidate, because he's the candidate that favored affirmative action, and the Magic Negro thing wasn't created by Rush, and isn't a cut at Obama, Al Sharpton called Obama The Magic Negro, and the parody is a cut at Sharpton (note that it came out at a time when Rush was going real easy on Obama because he wanted Obama to beat Hilary, and nobody, even Rush, realized just what a crackpot Obama really was).
Racism" is just one of the lefts many ways of saying "SHUT UP" because you cannot debate us, you cannot win a war of ideas, because your ideas are morally and intellectually bankrupt. Learn to debate and stop trying to discredit your opponents so you don't have to debate them.
Rush would just be another faceless minority owner. Dave Checketts, a guy with a long history in sports, would have all of the power.