Those types of magazines did not rise to prominence nor hold the same influence until Apter led the charge. I understand why Weston is on the ballot but I feel Apter is a much stronger candidate.
I'm struggling with Gary Hart. Mediocre manager imo, superlative booker, but it wasn't by himself. He's almost like a poor man's Paul Heyman in a lot of ways.
Jimmy Hart I think has a strong enough case based on Memphis alone, plus influence. WWF stuff is icing on the cake, even though by the end and in WCW he was pretty dreadful (granted, face manager is a death spot).
Okerlund was the best. Period. From the AWA through WWF, he perfected that role and I believe he helped sell tickets. WCW he stopped trying and became a parody of himself. But holy fuck, watch his AWA stuff and his WWF local promo stuff and in retrospect he knew what the fuck he was doing. But is there a place for his role in the hall of fame? I don't know. Ray Guy?
Howard Finkel. See above. Ray Guy? Plus, it's hard to judge these guys purely on merit, when the criteria in unquantifiable, and they just happened to luck out and be i the right place at the right time during a very popular period. Would Finkel be on the ballot if he was the Portland ring announcer? Or was he so good, that this is WHY he was the guy in the top company? These are the questions that you have to ask yourself. What if Finkel and Gary Michael Capetta had switched companies? Are we debating Capetta now, with Finkel as the afterthought?
Gorilla Monsoon. Hard one. Owned WWWF pre VKM, had a stake in successful Puerto Rico territory too. As a TV announcer, we have fond memories because of his place & time, but I don't think he was hall of fame level on that alone. Many people who weren't children at the time think he was dreadful. I'm in the middle. He got guys over but he was repetitive and hurt the product at times, too. He buried guys, particularly heels, too much for my liking. I think somebody like Jesse Ventura was a far more influential announcer. Which brings me to..
Jesse Ventura. Man, I don't know. I could really vote yes to any of these people with no regret. I only get five max. Is being the best heel color man enough? And again, I try not to get wrapped up in WWF peaking during my childhood, which skews things. Did other places have heel guys as good or better? I dont know. Probably. Or maybe not.