I think they should just name a champion at the end of every season. No tournament, no BCS, no bowls. Just arbitrarily name a champion. Nothing would be more exciting than finding out who the best team is via ESPN crawl on Monday morning. Who needs more games? I mean, this is SERIOUS BUSINESS, it's not like this is supposed to be entertainment, or anything. Just let those computers do their computations and figure out who to give the trophy to. Shit, let's take this a step further and just have Phil Steele or Rivals or some other geek tell us who the best team is after spring practice, and forego the entire season. We, as fans, do not want our champion determined on the field. Hell no! Fuck these wacky WAC teams, even if they go unbeaten. Who did those pussies play, anyway? They don't deserve shit, because, well, they just don't. Because let's face it, they would never ever ever win. Sports never has upsets. Ever. Experts and pundits are never wrong. Ever. Boise and Utah and TCU winning all those BCS games never happened.
It will never cease to amaze me how a segment of CFB fans are so resistant to seeing the sport join every other sport on the planet and give every team that participates a chance to win, and are so resistant to a decent sized playoff that would generate far more interest and excitement than what we have now. Clinging to myths like the excitement of a regular season which is probably the least exciting regular season in all of sports not called the NBA. No sir, for some reason we have to protect these sacred regular season games that mean ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to 90% of the teams by the first week of October.
THE CARTEL is dying, people are tired of it, the castle is crumbling. The world evolves, sports evolve, people want to be entertained, ratings for bowl games are sliding, none of the games matter besides the BCS Championship and people are catching on. People are catching on that teams that don't even win their division should not get auto bids to championship games. People are tired of being force fed a system that makes things less fun for everybody involved. It's over. There will be a playoff, and one day it will have 8 teams or more. Accept it. Embrace it. The sport will be much, much, better for it.