The reason Online Dynasty "got it right" the first go around was because there isn't near as much to Online Dynasty. There is no salary cap/contracts, free agency, trading, draft classes to import, etc in OD. There is SO much more that goes Franchise. Not to mention that the OD is built on the disc, not on the server. Online Franchise was essentially built from scratch on the server side so that it can be much, much more flexible and they don't need to issue a patch (time consuming process) or make you wait for the next game before they can make improvements and changes. That also gives us the web/iPhone access and all that that does which isn't available in OD. Online Franchise got all that OD got in and then some.
Is it perfect? Hell no. I want those missing elements just as much as the next person. But provided what they got it works as it should (the huge question), there is way more good than bad here. There is much more available than just an online stat keeping system and good leagues will fill in the gaps with their own systems.
Just now seeing this post... this is pretty much spot on.
From what I gathered, NCAA really sort of boned themselves with the way they did Online Dynasty as they really can't make major changes (I don't know the technical reasons why). Considering Madden plans a major rebuild of Franchise Mode in the near future, to take the existing Franchise mode and stick it online would have left us with THAT franchise mode online, and the one that'll be taking inspiration from NFL Head Coach offline. Thus, the online experience would seem shallow and less satisfying by comparison.
It's not just the server aspects of it, but also the ability to modify down the road, add, remove, enhance features as is needed.
Anyways, that's how it was explained to me. Maybe was blowing smoke up my ass, but the way it sounded, they ended up losing aspects of Online Franchise because they needed to put time into making it modifiable in the future.