so since they are already working on madden16 as Looman said in the interview with you guys , here is what i feel needs to be added to CFM for next year:
1- Customizable Draft Boards!Let us pick who and in what order we want em . Should allow up to about 50 players at least .
2- Allow users and commish to put themselves on "simulate" for that weeks game from the CFM website!
3- Fix the "know your opponent " feature , so that it seperates info dealing with CFM'S, so it only keeps track of each owner in a CFM and will tell you THAT players tendencies only . No one elses info should be brought into that. Let it only show the individuals CFM tendencies in that particular league.
4- Weekly update show on leagues main menu page, Showing videos from games that had been played that week. Maybe take the videos from halftime show and after game highlights and have a weekly wrap up of things around the league , including league leaders in stats, injuries, etc.
5- Put a limit on how many practice drills 1 player can do each week. Like only allow them to do 1 drill per player per week.
6- Have each league game save info ( Score, stats, possesion ,ball position , etc) at least at the end of each quarter , so in case of DC , players can pick back up somewhere fairly recent and not have to play a full hour game twice. The info could overwrite itself every time it saves, then after game is finished it could delete itself as it wouldnt be needed anymore.
7- Bring back communities , and allow us to link 3-4 leagues , so we can import our league rosters for each team we build in our CFM's, so we can actually practice more with our teams and try out different plays and see who fits best where.
8- if it hasnt been fixed in m15 , fix the issue of numerous players being hurt in games that get simmed in online CFM's . Too many players are getting hurt.
9- Bring back live weather. Once before the weather in game was linked to the weather channels website , and whatever the weather was in the city you were playing in , at the time you played, was the weather you played in.
10- Custom camera angles!
this is a top ten that needs to get to work on now, since they have already started working on next madden according to Looman.