About to Assault the Illusive Man's Base (ME3's point of no return.) with +5,000 Effective Military Strength. :yep:
I didn't realize the game locks in your love interest in this one though. In ME1 it was Liara, then in 2 it was Jack, Liara, Kelly, and Miranda, then for 3 I was going into it wanting Miranda to be my Shep's LI but after I told Miranda it wasn't over I told Liara the same thing (on more than one occasion) So I guess it locked me with her... Oh well, I know I'll be playing through the series again anyways. Plus Liara is one of the best characters of the series by far.
The multiplayer now is much too awesome for only 3 people here to still be playing it by the way, does no one realize they've added so much shit to online now that it's just ridiculous? Joining games, Lobbies, and load screens always are a pain though. Definitely a "bowl loading" friendly game.