2011 Poster Of The Year
The context is pretty clear.
Bottom 1/3 in the League in total offense and points scored.
You wanna quote passing yards along with that? Go ahead. But still, what you have at the end of the day is a below average offense. Closer to the bottom feeders than the contenders.
Next you quoted improvement in DET and SF, which I won't debate. Good for him. He took 2 of the worst offenses in football and made them into groups that finished bottom 1/3, instead of dead last. Nice. Noteworthy???... I guess?!
... I don't care to go round and round about this though. You love him? Great. More power to you. Personally, I think he's the Brett Favre of coordinators. Take away the 90's and what have you got? NOTHIN. And for me, that ain't greatness.
He squeezes every bit of potential out of every offense he runs. What more do you want? Those Lions and 49ers teams were really bad. That's why you need the context of the situations. Saying his offenses finished in the bottom 1/3 misses the point.