Bane's character is more real-to-life obviously...Hardy is swole...but he's not jacked to the gills swole...I mean, Hardy is a fantastic actor...would you rather substitute that amazing ability to act for Dave Batista to be your Bane?
It is obvious that this Bane focuses a bit more on his intelligence (especially in regards to strategy and tactics), his affiliation with Ra's al Ghul, his ability to find out Batman's identity, somehow maim or subdue Batman physically, potential use of venom (although, the venom doesn't make him look like the Rock on a cycle)...
There is so many aspects of Hardy's character that keeps the Bane character "at home" but you focus on the simple fact that he's not cartoony large...seems silly.
Was Heath Ledger's Joker less or more impressive because his character wasn't exactly ripped from the pages from the comics? If Nolan's Batman's have taught you anything, it should be that making these characters your own in some way is best for business. For Ledger...what good would it have been to be Joker from the early comics, or Caesar Romero, or the 80's Joker, or god forbid Jack's Joker, or even Mark Hamil's Joker from the animated series...all of those Joker characters are simply their own version of the Joker and Heath Ledger did his own and that is what made his rendition of the character so great. Now, Bane isn't as iconic, nor has the track record of amazing that the Joker character does...but...its looking pretty damn good...I mean, would you rather have him look like this?