All of this shit looks nice...but I gotta keep it real.
How often will I fucking use this thing?
My 360 currently collects dust. I have little to no time or even desire to play video games anymore. And, that's ok, this thing still intrigues me for its media center usage. But, let me ask this...what does it do that I can't already do or have done, without having to pay for this shit.
HBOGo? iPad to TV via my AppleTV and AirPlay.
ESPN? Actually...a selling point, but I can just watch it on my laptop (for ESPN3 Exclusives) and connect it to my TV wirelessly (because I'm a badass like that) or if I want a rock solid connection, just HDMI it to my TV. Not hard or any step other than getting up.
Netflix and Hulu? AppleTV already does that.
Streaming Music? I've already got that covered at the highest end possible.
Streaming Movies? AppleTV and Airplay.
Skype? Cool, but I just don't need it, I rarely use it as is...and by rarely, I mean never.
The voice and motion activation? Nice, but really...unnecessary in the grand scheme for me.
Needing to pay an added fee to play a used game? LOL. Go fuck yourself.
I'm not a 16 year old kid anymore where I'd be going crazy over this, is this new system doing that is new or worthy of the big price purchase as well as continue to pay an extra monthly/yearly fee for their online service?
Holla back @ me VSN with an answer.