2011 Poster Of The Year
Mr. Defensive Driver here is missing the point, like many other idiots who spout that line and theory do. The only time "slowing down" on a road to avoid a deer strike is effective is when you can see the deer in the distance and are planning for their movement. Otherwise, deer don't really know you are there, they don't plan their jump in front of your car, they just "go". So, the event is purely random and has no correlation to your speed. Wanna know your best defense move when a deer jumps out? Plow through it. Slamming on your breaks or swerving will lead to a higher probability of adverse outcome than simply hitting the animal and denting your car.
Then again, this is probably a terrible analogy to use as well, because judging by the Michigan Cop/Deer thread here a week or so ago, most of you don't understand fucking deer either!
This is astounding.
Slowing down isn't necessarily to avoid the deer so much as it is to mitigate the potential damage if you do hit the deer, and help retain control if you instinctively swerve away from the deer.
There is no way you can possibly spin the idea that driving faster does not increase danger. That's the bottom line here. You sound like a complete idiot.