New study finds that a lot more native americans find the term offensive. 400 surveys sounds like an awfully small sample size though.
There are 23 high schools on indian reservations in Arizona alone that use "Redskins" as their mascot, some with logos fare more cartoonish than the Washington logo. Indians largely don't care.
I give no fucks about a single liberal or agenda driven study or spin poll that comes out. Nobody gave a single shit about the term "redskin" for 80 years. Nobody gives a single shit now aside from a very, very, very tiny percentage of indians (the opinions of the white guilt crowd mean nothing to me).
The name will eventually change, because we live in an eggshell/apology society now. GOD FORBID somebody is offended by something. We have to consider EVERY FEELING, regardless if something is offensive at large or offensive to an insignificant amount of people.
Where does it stop? The seminole tribe embraces & has no beef with Florida St, but what if the next attention seeking group of indians decides they're offended by that? Chief Wahoo, which is a
fucking cartoon, is being phased out in Cleveland for no good reason.
The day will come when tall people rally against the San Fran & NY Giants. "Just because we are tall, we are not freaks. We face discrimination daily, people stare. The word giant is offensive." Does that sound absurd? Why? Who are you to tell tall people what is or is not offensive?
It's all utter nonsense. It's nothing more than a small vocal minority of thin skinned dopes with nothing better to do desperately seeking a purpose. Find a fucking hobby, Tonto.