White people telling non white people what they should or shouldn't be offended by.
White privilege at it's finest.
By the way, when you use the term "white guilt", you come off as racist as the team name. "white guilt" is a derogatory term thrown around by people who are at least a little bit racist to justify their racism. "oh, I'm not less racist than I should be, because fuck white guilt".
It's not politically correctness, it's social acceptability. Ya'll are two steps shy of drunk uncle at thanksgiving with this "tradition" bullshit. Fuck tradition. The team that plays America's number one sport in it's nations capitol shouldn't be clinging to a term that some people clearly find to be racist.
there is no argument that many people find it to be racist, whether you agree or not.
Heh, and this whole, "OH NO WE MIGHT HAVE TO CHANGE OTHER TEAM LOGO's too!" is some bullshit too.
http://gawker.com/the-terrifying-domino-theory-of-anti-racism-1583198843 - "is that what you want America? Less Racism?" Yeah, actually, that sounds pretty awesome to me.
^^^^not white people. Largest and most representative American Indian group in North America.
Of course there are going to be Native American's who don't care about the usage of the name, you can't just assign one viewpoint to an entire ethnic group, because
that's racist.