lol, so i'm listening to Mike & Mike, crack of dawn, the very first media heads to speak since the deal was struck with the real refs, and what is the first thing out of Greenberg's mouth?
"The refs are back folks, but remember, don't have any delusions, there are still going to be bad calls, terrible calls, in every game, because these guys have an impossible job."
Gee, sounds familiar.
The media scrutinized these poor scabs to death, making the situation far worse than it needed to be, because once derp fans catch wind of a media narrative that narrative just snowballs, and now reality is setting in that 'oh yeah, we almost forgot, the real guys suck, too!'.
I think in hindsight, the behavior of some of these players, coaches, and announcers (Tirico & Gruden in particular should be ashamed of themselves for how unprofessional they were BEFORE the contraversial play ever happened, at which point they had a right to blast everybody) exasperated the situation and in some ways made the league look worse than a few bad calls ever would have. Fans are fans, most are goofballs, they overreact by nature, plus they pay a lot of money to watch this shit, so I can give them a pass. But the professionals were hardly that during this debacle.
There is a lot of blame to go around. Goodell & the owners fighting for what amounts to pennies, the referee union who were making outrageous demands as part time employees and forcing the hand of the owners, the players for taking advantage of the substitute teachers and not behaving like professionals, Drew Brees and his quest to be the biggest disingenious douche in history, broadcasters for constantly attacking the officials on mundane judgement calls that all referees consistently blow, the scabs for blowing so many procedural issues like spots & time outs, and some of the coaches for not being leaders and losing their cool.
And most of all, the media, for the constant scrutiny and overanalyzing of every call, feeding the frenzied masses who were looking for a reason from day one to hate the scabs.
Just an absolute disaster all around of overreactions, egos, incompetence, and nonsense.