2011 Poster Of The Year
Fight is subjective, FUCKFACE. You can call it whatever you want. My point was that it was something that was out of hand and warranted ejections. You keep commenting on shit you haven't seen and think you have a legit argument as you usually do. I'm almost astonished at the balls and stupidity you have at thinking you can talk about it at all. The funny thing is that it makes everything else you'll ever say completely irrelevant and obvious cause it's just more bullshit that you haven't seen or know little about. Again though, typical you. :thumbsup:
I never commented on the 'fight' I didn't see. I think you are slightly retarded.
Good point.
Have their been fights which resulted in no ejections? Was there a fight last night?
This was my post that you groaned and then replied to. I asked if there was a fight Monday night, because I didn't watch that game. You claimed that i'm obviously not watching a lot of games for some reason (with no basis). Not true, but fine, i'll play along, so I asked you to cite examples of other fights that I supposedly didn't see because i'm not watching any games. You flew off the handle like usual and cursed a lot and claimed I can't comment on the topic at hand and kept bringing up the ONE example of a 'fight'. Do you know why you keep repeating the same example?
So please, explain to me how ONE FUCKING 'FIGHT' in two weeks worth of football is any sort of indication that the officials are allowing the players to be out of control? Do you think this is a higher rate of fights than we see with the real officials?
And I ask again, what exactly is your point? That there was some sort of skirmish Monday? Cool story bro. Who cares?