i don't understand your line of thinking in that it's randy's laziness that cost minnesota the superbowl, .
I didn't say it was, I said it very well could have made a difference. The difference between his play as was, and his play if he gave max effort in both practice and games, does make a difference, and could be THE difference.
when for any other player it's a team effort. hell look at that 15-1 season. the reason they didn't win the nfc that year was cause of missed fg and playing for overtime.
It is a team effort. And if you have a team of Lazy's, your chance of winning goes down considerably. Sure there was a missed FG, but what if Moss gives maximum effort in practice and the games, and it rubs off on team mates, maybe that game doesn't come down to ONE FIELD GOAL, or trying to go into OT.
iit wasn't until randy walked off the field in washington that anyone in the locker room ever said anything about randy's attitude,.
Never said anything before that time. But Moss's attitude didn't all of a sudden change during that game. Moss has always been Moss. That may have been the first time the team, locker room, was vocal to the press about it.
so i once again don't put the lack of lombardi trophies in minnesota on randy.
And most definitely his attitude had the potential to lose Minny SB's. That's true of ANY player on the field that doesn't try to play at there best, not just Moss.
This is why I have such a problem with Superstars that think they will get by on just Athletic ability. The difference between them playing on mostly athletic ability and them actually trying to the the best they can be, does make a difference.
I think guys like Vick cheated Atlanta fans. It's looking like he may not be cheating Philly fans, but in my opinion, he def cheated Atlanta fans. What if Vick would have been as studious as Montana, or Young? Would Atlanta have had there first SB victory? I say, maybe.
I'm not trying to "just pick on Moss".