Still don't get the healthy part. On the play where Griffin originally injured his knee when he collided with Haloti Ngata, any player in that situation would've had their knee injured. Nothing you could have done to stop it, and it wasn't "he should've been a smarter runner." After the concussion injury, there was much more awareness from Griffin when he took off running.
And give me a break with career altering injury. ACL injuries happen all of the time now, and it's like Tommy John surgery in MLB. Players come back at the same level, and sometimes even have elevate their play. In the past year, Adrian Peterson came back from multiple knee ligaments and nearly broke an NFL record, and returned from the injury in record time. Logan Mankins played an entire SEASON on a torn ACL, blew out a couple ligaments right before the playoffs, and still played in the playoffs. Like Peterson, he was back on the field in Week One.
I'm not saying Griffin is going to be back on the field in Week One, but to say it's a career altering injury is pure hyperbole from you, probably driven by your irrational hate of the Redskins that I have yet to pinpoint the cause.