Finally watched this week's Raw.
-Seth Rollins is the best wrestler in the WWE today. Zayn will probably knock him off, and we all know what Bryan can do when they stop paying attention to him. But right now, there is nobody I'd rather watch wrestle than Rollins.
-The Shield needs to break up, but man I can't help but think they should hold off. They're still hot and the break-up tease is well done. Once they break up, there's no safety net for Ambrose's quirkiness, Rollins' average mic skills, or Reigns' everything. There's a good chance that these guys all succeed to noteworthy spots, but there's also great risks that they flounder. I would hate to see Reigns become Ryback, Rollins become Kofi, etc.
-Bray Wyatt is so solid until the match starts, then he takes WWE back to mid-90's WCW level main event garbage. There's no way he lasts.
- I was so positive that Warner was wrong about Summerslam. I still think it and the next few months were total shit, but them holding off on giving him the big big push was the right move. They went about it the wrong way though. They got it right in the end, which is all that matters.
-There's a stigma about guys being too small still, but there needs to be a stigma about the big guys. Batista is the biggest flop in some time, while Brodie continues to be the only worthwhile big on the roster.