The Shield is so friggin good. It's crazy. Great matches with the Wyatt family and Evolution. They're damn-near bullet-proof. And a shout-out to W2B for getting me into Tyler Black years ago by shilling Take No Prisoners super hard on these forums (but not these forums?)
The Cena/Wyatt storyline is actually really good IMO. It's interesting, because people haven't really gone after Cena from that angle before. And he's been around FOREVER, so it's refreshing. But everything else has sucked so fucking hard. The singing? Corny. The kids? Really creepy, bad creepy. The matches? An abomination
There are no heels anymore. The crowd loves Barrett. And he's a midcard heel trying to get cheap heat. And they eat him up. Everybody who has tried to be a heel has gotten over with the crowd positively. The Real Americans, The Shield, The Wyatts, Dolph, Barrett, even going back to Bryan. Only Trips, Steph, and Brock are true heels in the E. Batista just gets go-away heat, and nobody cares about Orton.