God, I hope so. They've just shit on everything they had going for them. Seth Rollins was one of their hottest wrestlers back in Feb/March, and now he's a boring chickenshit heel. The Wyatts aren't much of a thing anymore. Cesaro has lost so much momentum. Brock lost his mystique to feed SuperCena.......AGAIN. The Mizdow stuff is great, and that's it for me. I love Ziggles, his matches with Miz are pretty watchable, and Sandow is killing it as stunt double. Everything else is done for me. Brock is human again, which sucks. Ambrose always has to be involved in some sort of shmozz. The Authority is stale and has been since SS, maybe before. Rusev is the same over and over again. And speaking of the same, the Usos. Good lord, give them a break or something. Put them in a few singles matches, change up their moveset, keep them off TV a few weeks, SOMETHING! They're great, I like 'em, but they've been beaten into the ground.