Read an interesting analysis of the guest host thing somewhere (can't recall where). Basically, it explained quite well that the whole deal was a way to try to attract casual fans or non fans to tune in. Raw is doing better than SD in the ratings, so it could be working in that regard. But how many of those fans pay for PPVs? Whereas a lot of more dedicated fans seem to be against it (or indifferent), and those are the fans that PPVs and merchandise...
I doubt its going away anytime soon. I just wish they would make the concept "more realistic". Why do they have to take the GM role, when its obvious the majority of them have no connection at all to wrestling and know nothing about it? Not that the WWE really tries to push for the appearance of legitimacy anymore, but its makes it really hard to suspend disbelief at all. So make them guest hosts the way that SNL has guest hosts. They don't all have to be getting involved in match-making and further feuds.
As for TNA, no one seems sure exactly what Hogan's role will be or how much power he will have. Some sources say he has full creative control over everything, while others say its somewhat less. The problem I have with Hogan having full control is that he has always excelled at one thing - putting Hogan over. That's always been what he worked toward and what he did so well. Sometimes that was to the benefit of the promotion he was working for and sometimes it wasn't. So while I don't doubt he knows the business, is he going to excel at getting other talent over? Or will his focus still be on Hogan first and foremost?
I've said a few times, I have very little confidence in TNA to make this a true war. I don't think they have the resources, options, or pieces to do so. But I am hopeful they can manage it. I don't think there's a lot of potential downside to the situation. Hogan and his WCW resurrection could make Impact worse, which would be disappointing as they've done some solid work in the past few months (for the most part). I doubt it affects the WWE much at all, though it could push them to actual try, which would be a very good thing.