That's 'cuz these guys aren't stars. Brother.
Like you said, I dont see anyone getting put over strong.
The last time TNA really got behind someone was Samoa Joe, and the Joe/Angle feud did record business for them. Then they booked Joe into a crybaby, and he made the "I tripped over bad booking" comment. So they booked him as a flesh eating Mike Tyson + 100lbs of flab, and Joe just stopped giving a shit.
They blew it and the only way to get it back would be to book him as an absolute monster, let him annihilate everyone, have him never speak, and just make him a killer. You know, HOW HE GOT OVER TO BEGIN WITH. But it's probably too late anyway, he's been booked into worthlessness.
Same for Abyss, who was made and re-made too many times. Nobody takes him seriously anymore.
AJ is played out as well, the goofy sidekick gimmick killed him IMO. This mini Nature Boy thing wont work, because it makes him look second rate. He should be portrayed AT Flair's level, not below. Could you ever see WWE pulling that shit? Could you imagine Flair coming back, and doing a gimmick where he teaches a guy like Punk or Orton or Jericho "how to be a star"? That's the same as telling everyone AJ STYLES IS NOT A STAR. Why on earth would you do that???!!! Then they wonder why guys don't draw.
And why do I feel like I have typed this 1,000 times????