It really does come off awkward & unnatural.
There is a noticeable difference between the people on the roster from the "outside", and the people who are entirely products of the WWE. I think as the years pass, your going to have a roster full of in house produced Darren Young's & JoJo's and a serious lack of world traveled pros.
I don't know if you noticed in the first clip, there is a shot of Dave Taylor, and he has this look on his face like "what the fuck is this shit, let's just get in the ring and let me stretch these fools for a few hours".
I think the "Performance Center" (by the way, that name really irks me...they have to put their own spin on can't just be the "WWE Training School" or something similar, that's too "wrasslin" like) should really just be in ring. Since they don't like wrestling promos anyway and want these people to be B-level actors, send them to legitimate acting schools for the other stuff, as the training will be a thousand percent better than Dave Taylor & Byron Whateverhisnameis overseeing this cheesy shit.
You want guys to learn promos...have'em watch Dusty Rhodes promos a million times and then just have Dusty there to tell them "I had no ideas what I was sayin, you feel me baby? Just let it flow, daddy!" Then have them watch another million Ric Flair promos and have Ric Flair tell them "I don't know what I was saying, but I've got a funny story that happened after that..."
Having these guys take part in daily, terrible "drama classes" comes off as really removed from whatever the fuck the rasslin business is. You're either a good promo or you're many guys ever really improved their promo significantly...Eddie? And lets be honest...who in the WWE is allowed to do real promos anyway? There are like 8 guys. Cena, Punk, H's, Orton, Big Show, Kane, Heyman, and Stephanie...throw in The Rock when he is there and The Undertaker (who doesn't say anything anyway) and those are the only guys that get carte blanche with the mic. Maybe you throw in Bryan, but he just got that privilege like 3 months ago. But seriously, no one is given a live mic these days, nevermind given a live mic without a script...almost no one gets that outside of a select few so I a not sure how setting Solomon Crowe up for a promo package helps anyone, ever.
And nevermind having the women doing it...I mean, seriously, when was the last time a chick got a live mic...AJ...and then before that? Never?