Joey Ryan is napalming the bridge the last few weeks, but I guess he figures he's in his 30's and was told directly he won't be signed, so fuck it.
DeMott should take a look at the main roster (and the NXT roster, for that matter) and take count of who the best workers are. Bryan, Cesaro, Zayn, Punk are locks for top five workers in the company, fifth spot open for debate, whether you like Goldust, Cena, Mysterio, Rollins, Orton, Christian, Sheamus, Del Rio, whoever floats your boat, but the best workers by and large came from the indies and in every single case were signed way too late.
There is no substitute for experience. If you come off the street, you will learn fundamentals and how to work safe and how to ignore the camera and how to work hard cam and all of that is valuable and important.
But there is no substitute for working in front of all sorts of different crowds and learning how to get over. There is no substitute for working with all sorts of different dudes at different experience levels and styles. You don't get that in the system. You can be very good being WWE developed, but even the ones that are are always lacking something. Watch Orton or Cody Rhodes, both are technically very good, solid as fuck, but they are like wrestling robots off the Vince McMahon assembly line. No flavor, no juice, like a kid who goes to film school and does everything technically right, but never cut his teeth making shitty films with shitty actors and learning the nuances of the craft.
It reminds me of when Jeff Hardy & Christian came to ROH. They had duds and didn't get over. They couldn't work for that crowd, all of that big arena shit wasn't going to help them in a room with 800 people who didn't want to see a RAW style match with kiddie psychology.
You can put Sami Zayn or Daniel Bryan or Antonio Cesaro in any room, any arena, any dome, and flea market, any VFW hall, and they will get over. And they were great before Bill f'n DeMott ever knew who the fuck they were.