Shitty dialogue is different than saying "Hey the product you're currently watching, investing time in and possibly paying money for isn't worth shit but I'M (mystery investor, new commissioner, returning star, etc.) am going to make it better!"
It may be a chicken and egg scenario but companies on their death bed do this. Look, in 1996 Bret Hart didn't come out and say "Now we are getting our asses kicked in the ratings right now but I'm the new World Wrestling Federation Champion and I'm going to get us back to the top". It would've seemed insane, there's a self-confidence that comes with your company. I think that would've made a lot more people look around and go "Wait, is this company dying, should I stop being so invested?" Remember back in that age, if you weren't an Observer subscriber you had no idea they were in the financial shits. They were days away from shutting down in 1996, taking out loans left and right but the announcers, wrestlers and the general tone of the product was "This is the best product out there."
Ring of Honor didn't have AJ Styles come out and say "Roderick Strong, this guy sucks, I'm back to bring ROH back to when it actually meant something in the early 2000s". That dialogue does absolutely nothing but hurt you and your company.