There is a big difference between putting your facemask on a guy or leading with the crown of your helmet. If James Harrison or anybody else can't make that distinction, maybe they should retire, before they seriously injure someone.
Deja vu all over again. Spearing someone on the ground with your head and hitting someone with the crown of your helmet is not a proper "form tackle".
But we've already had this discussion before, and you've already lost this argument before, so....
There isnt a big difference.
Half the tackles against running backs in this league would be labeled spearing. Most blocking techniques could be interpreted as spearing.
You simply cannot make a tackle on someone whos pad level is lower than yours without leading with your head. You ALWAYS lead with your head you can only try to make sure your shoulder hits first , and even then incidental contact is a natural occurrence.
As usual the NFL leaves a massive gray area so the refs can take the burden and NFL can take thing on a case by case basis for there convenience.
This isnt about protection of players...this is about keeping "star" players in the field.
Utley , Byrd , Brown were all paralyzed within a few years of each other league didnt do much of anything. Aikman goes and gets concussed by Arrington all of a sudden the crown of the helmet is a bad guy.
Peterson, Jacobs ,and any "power" back or back over 6ft 1 is getting his knees launched at every other play. Palmer gets injured and we have to wildly enforce knee rules. Defensive players get wacked in the head on a routine basis , some QB gets hit with an inadvertent elbow and now even grazing his helmet with a finger is a fine.
You are making the target area far too small for a defender. Its no different from the wild shrinking the strike zone had in MLB that made it damn near impossible for a pitcher to function without a handicap.
The NFLs motivation is strictly financial. They refuse to make clear definitions. They are posturing to avoid retro active lawsuits and positioning with the CBA upcoming. They only care about offense offense offense(i.e $$ $$$ $$$$) which creates the nasty cycle.
Defenders cant contact the WR past 5 yards at all. Defenders cant "over" jam a te/wr at the los or be called for holding. OK so we'll just play zone coverage all day. OC gets a wide open field they decide to send 5 guys into routes with no pass protection and QBs with minimal ability to read a rush or defense. QBs chuck it up mindlessly to WRs running the wrong routes for the coverage and they end up getting nailed while "defenseless".So you have to put rules saying they cant be impaired during any of the "catch" process. Ok..even more incentive to pass now isnt it.
Bottom line this isnt about technique. LOL@ implying a Patriot and Steeler dont know proper form tackling. Youve given players no alternative but to go for huge hits in order to intimidate , loosen a ball , or impose there will on offensive players.
Let them bump and run , distinguish between incidental and flagrant Pass Interference , give them black and white tackling rules , get rid of the ticky tack defensive penalties put in the last decade THEN tell these guys if they cross the line theyll be suspended.
Amazing the NFL can have a team completely screwed out of a victory over a terrible catch interpretation and it will take months and months for it to be discussed. A player gets hurt during a legal play all of a sudden the NFL can act swiftly and immediately.