My issue isn't even with Lewis. I mean, it kinda is, but it's primarily with the media, who selectively choose who to vilify some (Barry Bonds, when all he did was take PED's, a far cry from covering up murders at minimum to committing the murders at maximum), while completely giving a pass to others (Lewis).
I also find it strange, that the media pounds Tebow down our throats, and some of the same people complaining about that have no issue with media outlets constantly waxing poetic and telling us how great of a man Ray Lewis is ("get over it").
Sorry, I find it a lot easier to "get over" ESPN's constant attention of Tebow, who by all accounts is a great person who did not ask for that attention, then a guy like Lewis, who is a creep, and is nothing short of a boisterous attention whore who works just as hard at crafting his image as a 'leader of men' as he does on his game.
Fuck Ray Lewis, I see thorugh him, but double fuck the dumbfuck media who would rather push a narrative at the expense of idol making a cretin.