Here's my rankings of the classic westerns I've seen.
The Searchers
The Good the Bad, and the Ugly-good but overrated. Never really wastes time, it just doesn't always spend it wisely.
Stagecoach-The original Breakfast Club. But instead of whinny teens crying over feelings, the message here is sent through actions instead. Makes it a lot more realistic.
High Noon-Once of the best buildups I've seen in a movie, but the climax is a big let down.
The Wild Bunch-Good story, message, and theme. But the acting was dull and none of the characters were interesting.
Once Upon a Time in the West-Didn't warrant the long running time. Never got that interesting to me.
Shane-For a movie that wasn't good in anything, not as bad as it should've been. I somehow partly enjoyed it.
Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid-Garbage. A 3 minute song cameo is the only redeeming thing here. Nothing short of Cool Hand Luke himself could've saved this movie.
High Noon had the best opening/soundtrack:yep: