Shrink: 6.3/10 - This movie tried way too hard to force connections between people whose lives aren't exactly at their highest point. Several movies like this have been made and been very successful, but these character are too superficial and I couldn't bring myself to really feel any emotion towards some of them. A couple characters, like the actress, the agents client, and the sex addict are completely unnecessary. The actress is around simply to set up for the cliche ending, the agents client is only around to try and force the audience to realize that the agent has a heart, and the sex addict...well...he's only part of the movie because it's played by Robin Williams. The movie tries to be all emotional when in fact the audience can't feel anything for most of the character simply because they're too obscure and minor. The fact that there's a happy ending for each is so expected that it makes me nauseous.
So a 6.3 might seem high right? Well, if the movie had kept it to the four most major characters, the shrink, the teenager girl, the struggling writer and the agent's secretary (she could have easily been included with having to even see the agent she's working for) then the movie could have been a lot better. Kevin Spacey is once again fantastic, he just doesn't get a lot of help. The actress who played the teenage girl (don't know her name) was actually very good and I really enjoyed the scenes with her and Spacey just like I thought the scenes with the writer and the secretary were good. All in all, if a couple of characters were wiped off the board and a couple things were changed around then this could have been a very solid movie, but instead there's several meaningless characters, a couple poor, forced connections, a far too cliche, happy ending, and not much help for Kevin Spacey.
With that said,