I thought it was a bit above average.. 90% was an extremely exaggerated number, I just meant it was better than I was expecting since a majority of superhero movies being churned out lately have been well below average. I really liked Chris Helmsworth, but besides that everyone was meh. I sat there waiting for something to happen for 80 minutes and then all of a sudden the last 25 minutes are ballin. I think because it ended on such a good note I liked it more than I did throughout, if that makes sense.
It was nowhere near as good as Iron Man, Watchmen, Kick Ass, Batman Begins, The Dark Knight, Spidey 1 and 2, X-Men or X2 but most certainly better than everything else - Iron Man 2, The Incredible Hulk, the Hulk, Fantastic Four 1 and 2, X-Men 3, Wolverine, Spidey 3, League of Extraordinary Gentlemen or Daredevil (there's probably some I'm forgetting).