Super Mario Bros is a great game, but that doesn't mean that if I'm paying a subscription to Nintendo that is what I want my free game to be. The bottom line is that this program absolutely has to be compared to it's competition, ie PS+. Hell, let;s be honest. GWG wouldn't exist if PS+ didn't before it. So it's laughable when you're getting Outlast, Resogun, Contrast, Don't Starve Tomb Raider, Metro Last Light, Binary Domain, Uncharted Golden Abyss, etc, etc, etc on Playstation platforms and this is the weak shit you get on Xbox. Not to mention these are just 360, one of which is always an ancient console game and the other a XBLA title, each moth. Yet with PS+ from day one you get fucking PS4 games. Whn can I expect XBone games on GWG? 2025?