I was against the Rooney Rule from the start. It's blatant racism in and of itself.
It also encourages teams to interview people who otherwise wouldn't get an interview. This, contrary to popular belief, is not a good thing. I'm almost certain Singletary was named interim because by doing so, the team essentially bypassed the Rooney rule (by calling the interimship an extended interview) and would be allowed to hire Martz as the head coach... unfortunately, the team starting winning, and the fans like Singletary, so the Yorks were kind of forced to go with him... far from being ready.
So it works the same way as California's race-based quotas in public universities. The kid from a shitty high school in Compton is not prepared to handle classes at Stanford, but gets the spot because he's black. He fails out. If he'd gone to some community college in Los Angeles, he'd have gotten a degree... and while it wouldn't have been as impressive a degree as the one at Stanford, he's a hell of a lot better of than if he'd failed.
Affirmative Action drove up black admission rates at major universities, didn't effect overall black admission rates at all, and drove up black dropout and failure rates in California. When they repealed it, all of these went back to normal.
Anytime you create rules that give a race advantages, you will invoke the law of unintended consequences.
All that said, there have been positive changes due to the Rooney Rule. However, those changes have taken root. It's time to get rid of it.